Monday, October 5, 2009


Universiti Teknologi MARA was established in 1956 under the name House Latehan RIDA, Maktab MARA then until 1968, thus Institut Teknologi MARA (ITM) and on August 26, 1999 ITM name was changed to Universiti Teknologi MARA by Dato 'Seri Dr. Mahathir Muhamad, Prime Minister Malaysia.
Military training in the Public Institutions of Higher Learning (IPTA) including the University Technology MARA, was introduced through the establishment of the Territorial Army Unit Soldiers Infantry Battalion in 1965 began at the University of Malaya and extended in Universiti Teknologi MARA (ITM then) with the establishment of ITM in the 01 Infantry Battalion January 1971.
After some discussion after that run, on 07 Feb 1980, Infantry Battalion in the Universiti Teknologi MARA has been dissolved and PALAPES Land UiTM was established officially on 06 Mac 1980 through Letter of FED (M) / 4141/1/80 (AW) dated 06 Mac 1980.
Recruitment in June 1997, the program PALAPES Sea (PSSTLDM) was initiated with the first group of about 40 officer cadets who offered to students / i in Shah Alam Campus. Sementara pada bulan Jun 2003 pula, program PALAPES Udara (PSSTUDM) telah memulakan pengambilan sulungnya seramai 40 orang pegawai kadet. While in June 2003, the program PALAPES Air (PSSTUDM) has started taking his first officer cadets about 40 people. Pada peringkat awal PALAPES Udara cuma dilaksanakan di Kampus UiTM Shah Alam dan kemudiannya diperluaskan pengambilannya di Kampus UiTM Sarawak pada Jun 2004. In the early stages PALAPES Air only implemented in UiTM Shah Alam campus and later expanded intake in UiTM Sarawak Campus in June 2004.

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